“Primed for Life are advocates for a wider understanding of the body as a child's first place of learning.”
Primed for Life draws together Anne O’Connor’s and Anna Daly’s individual skills and expertise in education and movement and dance to raise awareness of the vital nature of the body as our first learning environment.
Together they offer training and creative residencies to early year settings, local authorities and parent groups across the country. Their training sessions are a mix of presentation, practical exploration and discussion highlighting the importance of movement and physical play in Early Years development. Anne and Anna not only make the science of physical development accessible but they enable participants, through relaxed floor work, to get in touch with and build on their own physicality.

You can read more about the underlying ideas informing their approach in the articles below, written by Anne and Anna for Nursery World.
Primed for Life makes the science of physical development accessible.
“We have had some early years training in the past, but I can definitely vouch for this being the best we have had. We got to experience that which we were told about.
The delivery flowed well and was well paced with enough time for delegates to interject without losing the flow. There was an openness which enabled people to ask if they needed clarification.”
Dalcroze UK
Find out more about Anna Daly here.
Tummy Time
In the Swing
All About Dance